
2019-05-29 5:13 pm

回答 (3)

2019-05-30 4:29 pm
As far as the accusation of the barrel is concerned, we guarantee that our shipments are all shipped in new barrels. We are also very unbelievable that the barrels in the photos are so dirty.
Would you mind checking the way which the Japanese laborers use to unload and sending the goods to the warehouse ?
2019-05-30 1:18 pm
As for the barrels you mentioned,we make sure that all products were delivered with new barrels. It is beyond our imagination that all barrels shown on the photos were so dirty. Would you please to verify how to unload the products and deliver them to the warehouse by JP ?>&
2019-05-29 11:40 pm
Regarding the accusation of the barrel, we guarantee that our shipments are all shipped in new barrels. We are also very unbelievable that the barrels in the photos are so dirty.
Can you ask the Japanese side how to unload the goods, and how to send the barrels to the warehouse after unloading.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 01:23:30
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