You are always being my king. (釋疑)?

2019-05-05 8:19 pm


"Although I may have found my prince, you are always being my king."


請問倒數第三個字 being 應該省略(刪除)嗎?還是說,兩者皆可?若兩者皆可,請問兩者有何區別?


回答 (5)

2019-05-06 2:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
You are always being ....

最常在被動進行式 裡面用到.就像是:

You are always being recorded on street in Taipei.

再來,比較不常用的 是對(持續)狀態的強調.像是:

I am here (and how could you have missed me?) = 我在這裡啊!(你怎可能找不到我?)

I am always being here ( and how could you have missed me?) = 我一直就(強調)在這裡啊!(你怎可能找不到我?)
2019-05-06 5:24 am
BASIC Grammar:
"be" can be (1) a linking verb (+noun or +adjective), or (2) intransitive verb, or (3) an auxiliary verb.

1. You are always being recorded on street in Taipei. (be = auxiliary verb, continuous and passive)
2. I am here. (be = intransitive verb telling the position or location of the subject)
3. You are always my king. (be = linking verb naming the subject for relationship, although figurative)

You are "always" being my king.
- this expression does not make sense. We can use the continuous form of be, but it is often limited to talking about a way of behaving at the moment of speaking.
- for example: You are being silly.

The correct expressions to use 'be' as linking verb (+noun):
(1) You are always my king. (meaning - at all times, on every occasion)
(2) You will always be my king. (meaning - for all future time; forever)
2019-05-05 11:13 pm
"Although I may have found my prince, but you are(be動詞→助動詞) always(副詞:修飾being) being(動名詞:現在分詞) my king." 華文譯:「雖然我可能找到了我的王子,但你永遠是我的王者。」
# 本句的「王子」、「王者(國王)」,說者比喩新郎是日後會救援自己的王子(非指丈夫角色),比喻父親是經常影響自己的人(非指父親角色)。
# "being"係與"are"構成現在進行式,兩字之間的"always"(頻率副詞)是強調「永遠」,若無"being"的話,"always"就無法存在而不符文法。
2019-05-06 1:58 am
You are always being my father
=will always be my father
---being--noun, in being=existing=bring father into being
=when the subject is affected by the action of the verb "being" and of her father-object.
=cause reality or existence
2019-05-05 8:33 pm
I may have found my prince but you're always being my king.

I may have found my prince but you will always be my king.


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