I have a shorter skirt, but my mom wouldn't let me wear it. 為什麼這裡要用would, 我知到would 是will的過去式,我也知道它可以用來表禮貌,但我卻常 不知該何時使用它?

2016-10-29 6:00 am

回答 (4)

2016-10-29 1:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
He would be absent when we are most busy!

"Stop teasing me or I'll tell mama."=不要作弄我,不然我要告訴媽媽。
"You would!" =我知道你會的。

The door would not open.

p.1607 <新世紀英漢辭典>

You say that someone "would" do something when it is typical of them and you are critical of it.
p.1811 Collins CoBuild English Dictionary for Advanced Learners 3rd edition
2016-10-29 6:47 am
would is used to form conditional statements.
eg:-would be impolite if shorter skirt worn.
eg:-would have been impolite if shorter skirt had been worn.
2016-10-29 6:33 am
Jeff wants to put on a short skirt? That is awkward indeed!
2016-10-30 5:49 am
①為什麼這裡要用would, ⇒(表示推測)大概,會 例. I think he would accept the invitation. 我想他會接受邀請的。
我知到②would 是will的過去式, ⇒ 多重(9項?)釋義之一。
我也知道它可以③用來表禮貌, ⇒ 多重(9項?)釋義之一(二)。
但我卻常 ④不知該何時使用它? ⇒ 查閱辭典,學習(磨劍練功夫)。

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