請問go over 有討論的意思嗎? 例如 Let's go over the rest of the agenda at next week's meeting?

2016-10-16 9:25 am

回答 (2)

2016-10-16 11:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
“Let s go over the rest of the agenda at next week s meeting.”華文譯:「讓我們在下週的會議回顧(本例句可解讀:討論)待議諸事項(議程)的剩餘部份。」
2016-10-16 11:06 am
go over something
=to examine or check something carefully
=to study carefully,repeat
=go over your work
=go over the remaining agenda(before next week)
=discuss about pending items
=talk about a problem/something important involved,
=don't go away, keep talking.

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