請問以下幾句英文該如何翻譯最為洽當?麻煩專業人士幫個忙,謝謝 「理字當前,客觀兼具,要如何讓自己說話更具說服力,這兩者要素是絕對不可少」?

2016-06-02 7:38 pm

回答 (3)

2016-06-03 5:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Rational and objectivity, these are two essential elements required for your speech to be more persuasive.


The word "Objective" must come first, together with "Objectivity", this is how to let your speech to be more persuasive by these two essential elements.
2016-06-03 3:07 am
Lead with reason, while embracing objectivity — these are the two essential elements that will make your argument more persuasive.
2016-06-02 9:12 pm
"Be reasonable and be objective" - To make your argument more convincing, these two are the absolutely required secret sauces.

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