
2015-07-26 4:28 am
Strides have been -- and are still being -- made to make progress on those fronts.

回答 (6)

2015-07-26 4:48 am
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Strides have been -- and are still being -- made to make progress on those fronts.

在那些(研究,開發) 領域已有了實質並且持續的進展,

front -- 指未開發領域,
stride 指邁開大步,跨出,引申實質進展突破

2015-07-26 11:34:03 補充:
2) usu. strides
a step or stage in progress toward an aim
ex.great strides have been made toward equality
■ one's stride
a good or regular rate of progress, esp. after a slow or hesitant start
after months of ineffective campaigning, he seems to have hit his stride
Oxford American Dictionary

2015-07-26 11:35:09 補充:
4. : a stage of progress : a decisive movement toward a future goal : advance
have made extraordinary strides in invention — T.W.Arnold
the strides made in recent years in keeping the American public informed — Lou Smyth

Webster's New Third International Unabridged Dictionary

2015-07-28 20:55:00 補充:
front 也有拓荒邊界的意思,也用來指政治文化議題的拓展上,如同性婚姻,兩性平權,或是人權保障。
2015-07-26 4:54 pm
stride 是一個步伐,progress 則需要無數的 strides.

未知的領域的開發,經常是原地踏步,邁不出腳步。有了突破,即是踏出了一步 (stride)。但實際上,事情也沒這麼單純,常發生的情況是走一步,退兩步,或是走了大半路途,才發現一開始的假設錯誤,走岔了路徑,直接退回原點。
2015-07-26 3:52 pm

(1)Make great strides 拓展
(2)Walk with vigorous strides 持續拓展
(3)Make progress 關鍵性進步.
2015-07-26 12:25 pm
Strides have been -- and are still being -- made to make progress on those fronts.



make strides = 大力拓展;有時就直指進步 progress
2015-07-26 9:56 am
How about,

為求那些方面的發展,許多的努力已經 -- 並且至今仍然不斷地 -- 被投入。

or a bit simpler,

2015-07-26 6:28 am
Strides 是"用穩健/持續/有力的步伐" 來 "行走"

1. 內心的執著
2. 穩健/持續
3. 大步

4. 進步 與 成效

不然"made progress"不就是重復了嗎?

2015-07-25 22:35:03 補充:

"在那些(研究,開發) 領域已有了實質並且持續的進展"

應該是不好的. 而應該翻譯成:

持續也有決心的努力 使這些領域 得到了肯定的發展


2015-07-26 03:11:16 補充:
> 為求那些方面的發展,已經投入許多努力,至今仍然不斷。

醬子,好像是在幫助 蔡英語 寫演說稿耶!!!!

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