
2012-08-04 7:17 pm

I have got until the end of the month to pay the money back.
I have to pay the money back by the end of the month.

回答 (3)

2012-08-05 3:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have got until the end of the month to pay the money back.
The emphasis is on the deadline. That failing to comply may incur a consequence of some kind is implied.

I have to pay the money back by the end of the month.
The emphasis is on having to pay the money.
2012-08-05 1:10 am
This is only An Attempt To Answer:-
To mean the same thing,but different emphasize;-on time; on reason.
(1)I have got----------------s+v
(2)until the end of the month-----------adv phr of time,modify have got
(3)to pay the money back---------------adv cl of reason,modify have got

(1)I have----------------------s+v
(2)to=(got to) pay the money back--------adv cl of reason modifying have
(3)by=(until) the end of the month---------adv phr of time modifying pay
2012-08-04 8:47 pm
Same meaning but different emphases.

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