Crime often pays. 是否ambiguous?

2012-07-17 9:25 pm
In modern society, crime often pays, unfortunately. ,很明顯,pays是指”有利”。

但獨立抽出”Crime often pays.” ,這時這句的意思是十分模糊,因為pays既可指”有利”,亦可指”付出代價” ,你們同意嗎?

回答 (5)

2012-07-17 10:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The meaning of the expression "Crime often pays" is exactly the opposite of the answer 001 by no3lunch( 中學級 1 級 ).

"Something pays" means "gives a good return" while "doesn't pay" means "causes you grief" or "brings suffering".

There is no ambiguity in this expression.

2012-07-17 14:25:33 補充:
Cheating pays = It pays to cheat. = Cheating brings you good.

Cheating doesn't pay = It does not pay to cheat. = Cheating hurts you in the end.
2012-07-18 7:15 pm
Crime often pays 有啲似我地講嘅「殺人放火金腰帶」,答案2是對的。
2012-07-18 4:38 am
Crime often pays, unfortunately.
2012-07-18 12:05 am
Crime often pays. 有好報 (有利)

You'll pay for committing crime. 受到懲罰

2012-07-17 16:10:00 補充:
You'll pay for committing crimes. (to suffer or be punished)
2012-07-17 9:51 pm

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