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The more you____him,The more he will kid you.
版主的發問重點在前半句的動詞, 不在後半句.
care for主要是「喜歡; 照料」之意, 我認為不合本句的語意.
The more you attend to him, the more he will kid you.
The more you handle him, the more he will kid you.
The more you respond to him, the more he will kid you.
The more you deal with him, the more he will kid you.
The more you tackle him, the more he will kid you.
至於開玩笑, 除了kid(動詞)以外, 還有很多:
play tricks on
make fun of
poke fun at
make jokes about
trifle with
fool around with
make a fool of
2011-11-01 11:48:13 補充:
monkey with; monkey about *(monkey為動詞)
2011-11-02 11:29:09 補充:
To 老實氣泡
The more attention you pay "on" him,the more jokey he gets on you.
贊同您的寫法, 除了第一個on要訂正為to.
只有pay attention to, 沒有pay attention on.
2011-11-18 11:03:11 補充:
The more you____him, the more he will kid you.
版主是問這個空格填什麼, 順便檢查整句的文法.
個人認為, 應當要針對版主的問題來回答才對.
把全句改掉, 不夠尊重版主. 幹嘛要改掉? 難道版主原句完全不能用嗎?
天馬行空的改寫, 起碼有上百種寫法, 算是解決版主的疑難嗎?