
2011-10-12 5:20 am

eg:Tom will be delighted if his father buys a toy to him.

改做should字做倒裝:Should Tom's father buy a toy to him,he will be delighted.


回答 (4)

2011-10-13 12:27 am
✔ 最佳答案

eg:Tom will be delighted if his father buys a toy for him.

Should Tom's father buy a toy for him, he will be delighted.
2011-10-14 11:27 am
If his father buys a toy for him, Tom will be delighted.
Should his father buy a toy for him, Tom will be delighted.

Tom will be delighted if his father buys a toy for him.
Tom will be delighted should his father buy a toy for him.

--> The above sentences are the same.


Should there be any further questions, please feel free to ask me.

: )
參考: iLang
2011-10-12 5:05 pm
to buy something for someone ; to buy someone something
2011-10-12 3:53 pm
The example is correct.

You must use the bare form of the verb if it is after should, whether it is a statement, a question, or an inversion.

Where should is used in subjunctive mood, it is followed by have.
He should have finished the work by now.

2011-10-13 03:51:42 補充:
should 是一個助動詞 modal verb,助動詞後的動詞都是用原本模式。

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