英文通告- 改錯

2011-07-14 5:59 pm
Please correct the following notice:

"The signature serves to confirm your homework is completed. Subsequent finding of incomplete homework by teacher or General Office will be subject to penalty as a result of falsified signature."

回答 (6)

2011-07-15 9:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
The notice does not make sense. I have the following questions:

1. Whose signature, the student's or the teacher's?

2. Incomplete homework and falsified signature are two different things. Students will be penalized for not completing homework or falsifying signature, or both?

2011-07-15 00:50:20 補充:
3. Problem with the subject: students will be subject to penalty for not completing homework. The action (finding) cannot be subject to penalty.

2011-07-15 01:04:17 補充:
Please read my notes 003, 004 in Opinion section.

The notice is rewritten as follows:

The teacher's signature serves to confirm your homework is completed. Subsequent finding of incomplete homework or discovery of falsified signature by teachers or General Office will subject the student to a penalty.

2011-07-15 03:00:54 補充:
"by teachers or General Office" is actually redundant. It should be removed from the sentence.

The teacher's signature serves to confirm your homework is completed. Subsequent finding of incomplete homework or falsified signature will subject the student to a penalty.

2011-07-15 23:49:01 補充:
Falsified signature is not a correct description if it is the student's signature. It is a false declaration.

Let me do it again.

2011-07-15 23:55:22 補充:
Your signature serves to confirm your homework is completed. Students will be subject to a penalty if their homework is found incomplete afterwards.

2011-07-19 00:55:35 補充:
To WuDaiwei's comment
Students will be subject to a penalty ...(用法錯了)

Liable is a better word but I tried to keep the original text as much as possible.

"Students will be subject to a penalty" is grammatically correct.
2011-07-18 4:29 am
Master WuDaiwei,

You can laugh at a lot of things. It's none of my business.
It is my own notion that I don't like cliche. If you like it, I won't bother to laugh at you.
You're right that sentences pertaining to rules and regulations are complicated in general.

2011-07-17 21:23:08 補充:
Master WuDaiwei,
I am a big fan of 劉家傑老師. He inspired me to be "simple and clear" in writing English. My main objective of posting this question is to point out that a notice to students could be simple and clear. Period. 沒有必要拋書包!

2011-07-17 22:02:31 補充:
Master WuDaiwei,
You said: Students will be subject to a penalty ...(用法錯了)
Can you elaborate it?
According to Cambridge dictionary, one of the meanings is:
to have or experience a particular thing, especially something unpleasant

2011-07-26 11:35:16 補充:
Okay WuDawei,
I don't want to defend the use of "subject to" any more. If I were the one to write the notice, I definitely would not choose to use "subject to".
You must admit that your original answer is nothing but lousy. I am sorry!

2011-07-26 11:41:10 補充:
Very strange! I don't know why WuDawei always writes in Chinese mixing with some English?? But, it is true that he expresses very good in Chinese.

2011-07-26 11:52:45 補充:
Actually, I don't agree with your saying that liable is a better word. Don't you think it is too heavy a word to use on students? There must be a clearer and simpler way to communicate with students, like " you'll be punished".

2011-07-26 13:27:28 補充:
WuDaiwei: 您覺得幼稚, 真的令人發笑!!

2011-07-26 13:45:19 補充:
只有那些嘲笑別人的人才是傲慢自大!! 請先檢討自己!!

2011-07-26 22:44:47 補充:
WuDaiwei: "您還說劉老師曾經讚賞您所寫的"簡明英文, 其真實性, 令人懷疑!!"
I've never said that! Don't you know the meaning of this simple word "inspire"? Oh, my goodness, whom am I talking to? A naive and arrogant old man?! I forgive you.

2011-07-27 00:50:36 補充:
倘若是劉家傑老師的擁護者, 何以不知道其英文姓名,而需要寫上中文姓名?
What is the logic of your thinking? I am speechless, if it is your way of reasoning. Sigh!

與其說您拋書包, 倒不如說您自吹自讚!! 易名為冒充王吧!!
Thank you for your compliment! 愧不敢當!!
2011-07-16 5:47 am
發問者: 該兩句英文的大意是: 該簽名是用作証明您的習作"已經批閱". 後來, 由於老師或者教務處人員發現了該份習作有冒簽, 實屬" 未經批閱的習作", 所以(您) 會受處罰/處分.

2011-07-15 11:15:07 補充:
發問者: 您的補充說明,符合原句之意.

2011-07-15 21:47:05 補充:
The student's signature (on this front page) servies to confirm that the hand-in homework has been completed.
Subsequently any incomplete homework with falsified signature found by your teacher or General Office will be subject to(受......約束) the Rule "Punishment".

2011-07-17 08:14:16 補充:
發問者: be subject 的用法: e.g. 1. The arrangements are subject to change next year.
2. These outdoor concerts are subject to the local health requlations.

Students will be subject to a penalty ...(用法錯了)

2011-07-17 08:56:36 補充:
發問者: 有關法則的句子, 通常都是較複雜; 您覺得是cliche, 真的令人發笑!

2011-07-25 19:33:37 補充:
冒險王: subject 可以用作verb 或adj., 但意思有異; 有關字典對"subject" 一字, 如果用作phr Verb(T), 其含義是: to make someone experience something, usually something unpleasant.
e.g.He subjected us to unpleasant walks in the cold.

2011-07-25 19:39:02 補充:
冒險王: 您弄錯了! 再查閱字典吧!

2011-07-25 19:45:57 補充:
garlic2010 : Students will be subject to a panalty.我并沒有說此句的語法有錯, 其更好的用法, 您已經說了.

2011-07-26 13:15:12 補充:
冒險王: 您太幼稚,也太自大了!!

2011-07-26 20:49:06 補充:
冒險王: 看看您第009意見, 就知道別人為何說 "您太幼稚, 也太自大".倘若是劉家傑老師的擁護者, 何以不知道其英文姓名,而需要寫上中文姓名?您還說劉老師曾經讚賞您所寫的"簡明英文, 其真實性, 令人懷疑!!

2011-07-26 20:56:16 補充:
冒險王: 與其說您拋書包, 倒不如說您自吹自讚!! 易名為冒充王吧!!

2011-07-26 21:08:49 補充:
讚賞您所寫的"簡明英文" ----->鼓勵您要寫"簡明的英文"
2011-07-16 12:57 am
If this is as you've said that student has to sign the cover of the homework to declare that the homework has been completed before hand-in.

Therefore, after collection of all the homework; when teacher or the General Office staff/clerk checking the homework and found the work was incomplete but with a student signature, then that student will be penalized.


2011-07-14 7:53 pm
The signature serves as a confirmation for your homework, Any incomplete homework found by your teacher or General Office will be subject to punishment.

2011-07-14 6:24 pm
Suggest to use simple words to avoid misunderstanding.

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