
2011-07-07 5:41 pm

回答 (8)

2011-07-07 6:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案

If calculating by the relevant rules, we still need to collect a day's expenses
from the customer(s).

2011-07-07 16:19:18 補充:
這裡原句並未提供是什麼費用, 它可以是飯店住宿費, 也可以是別的費用.

飯店住宿費通常是以晚(night)為單位的; 如果在早上八點check-in, 傍晚六點check-out, 不會收取一日(晚)的飯店住宿費; 反之, 午夜進住, 早上七點鐘退房, 照規定要收一整日(晚)的飯店住宿費.

2011-07-07 16:22:34 補充:
規定另有一條, 就是不論進住與退房時間為何, 只要超過12小時就計收一整日(晚)的飯店住宿費.

2011-07-07 16:29:06 補充:
除了飯店住宿費, 本句也適用於倉租、行李寄存費、托兒費、勞務費、租車費....等等.

2011-07-07 16:31:57 補充:
各種不同費用可適當選取expenses, rate, fee, charges, costs, rent,...等用之.

2011-07-10 13:40:13 補充:
最簡單的說法是"By the rules":
By the rules we still need to charge a day's rate to the customer(s).

2011-07-13 15:50:21 補充:
To 路克絲:
....there is still one day fee WHICH needs to be charged to customer.

2011-07-16 19:41:14 補充:
騎士雖不乏女性, 但稱我為Cavalier小姐是您眼拙, 還是謬讚我具有女性的細心特質?

2011-07-16 19:41:30 補充:
很歹勢讓您掃到颱風尾. 票數懸殊係因為投票同時在下另有一題版受到不公平競爭, 支持在下的網友順道在本題投我一票的緣故.
不過話說回來, 您解答中的句子:
If+分詞片語, we still need to collect xxx from the customer.
似為逕用我句子的句型作片語替換, 網友選擇先答者倒也不足為奇囉!

2011-07-16 19:50:22 補充:
您在知識+英文區對我一向不友善, 但po出這些網址是要指控這些勝出者用無敵投票部隊來迫害我嗎? 您的正義感還真是意外囉!
參考: 英文文法與翻譯經驗
2011-07-14 10:58 pm
IF us allow this rules to calculate??
2011-07-07 9:23 pm
We still need to charge the customer for one-day service/one-day accommodation (****) based on the specified rate.

註釋 : **** 最好說明是何種 費用

2011-07-08 19:42:03 補充:
collect 具有以下的含意:
(1) gather together; (2) take someone or something ; (3) come together ; (4) fetch ;
(5) obtain some speciments as a hoby.
2011-07-07 9:06 pm
"如果我們按照規定計算,仍然要跟客人收取一天的費用" We price it (a merchandise or service)by the book, plus fee of one day’s labor.

照規矩(by the book)收費,外加一日人工
2011-07-07 7:36 pm
Based on the rule, We could collect a surcharge from customers for one day.--------
2011-07-07 6:59 pm

If based on the published rate schedule, we still need to collect a full day's charge from the customer.

按照... based on
規定(的價錢) 定價 published rate schedule
一(整)天的費用 a full day's charge (or rate or fees)
這個"整"字雖然沒有寫在原句中, 但是,很明顯的是存在的


(如不說價錢, 也可以用 rules)

If based on the rules, we still need to collect a full day's charge from the customer.

2011-07-07 11:13:59 補充:
規定 也可以用 policy (or company policy). 口語化 連 if 都可省了

Based on company policy, we still need to collect a full day's charge from the customer.

2011-07-19 06:21:14 補充:
騎女士,日前誤用稱為,請見諒. 閣下之女男男女嗜好及其它特質乃純屬您個人隱私,無需在止公開討論. 記得好友前輩孔大先生曾尊稱閣下為"好",故以小姐相稱.
又及: 區區鄙人在下小可我不與人爭名奪利, 最佳解答 讓您個千百次也無所謂. 日後無需再提. 敬謝
2011-07-07 6:01 pm
If we follow the regulation, there is still one day fee needs to be charged to customer.

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