
2011-07-01 5:14 pm
請各位大大幫忙翻譯,中翻英(商用英文)發票問題 我已經完成並且依照您指定的總金額作發票單價的調整 但物件299-00466j出貨的數量為4870pcs,所以我維持實際的數量 如果有不便的地方,敬請見諒 文件也會依照這樣的總額和數字作出貨文件,謝謝.

回答 (6)

2011-07-01 6:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
但物件299-00466j出貨的數量為4870pcs,所以我維持實際的數量, 文件也會依照這樣的總額和數字作出貨文件,謝謝.


Dear Xxxx,

We have made adjustment to the total amount on the invoice as you

However, the actual shipped quantity 4,870 pcs of item No. 299-00466j
must be kept identical on the invoice, so on this item we will prepare the
shipping documents according to the said quantity with its relevant amount.

Should it cause you any inconvenience, please accept our apologies.

Best regards,

Xxxx Xxx

1) 已就版主的敘述內容略加調整, 以求更為順暢.
2) 商業信函除非必要, 應避免以個人自稱, 通常使用we/us/our.
3) must be kept identical on the invoice: 發票上應保持一致

2011-07-02 21:57:16 補充:
WuDaiwei大的說法是符合事實的, 我從事國貿, 無數客戶使用Regards, Best regards數十年司空見慣, 哪來的不禮貌?
Yours truly; Yours faithfully現今在email中已經少見了, 只剩見於制式函件或文書中, 例如各式的Certificate of XXX, Letter of Guarantee, Letter of Indemnity,...等.

2011-07-02 22:06:20 補充:
其實正好相反, 朋友之間用Best regards反而讓人有生疏感, 過於商業味制式化.
參考: 國際貿易資深實務經驗
2011-07-02 8:35 am
I have completed and according to the total amount that you specified for the invoice price adjustments

299-00466j shipping 4870pcs the number of the object, so I maintain the actual number of

If there are inconvenient places, please forgive me

Files will, in accordance with the case and the figures for the total shipment documents, thank you.

2011-07-01 8:41 pm
Dear Mr.xxx/Miss xxx,

We have made an adjustment of the unit price shown on the invoice in compliance with the total amount as instructed.
However, the delivered quantity, i.e. 4,870 pcs of Article No.299-00466j/Item No.299-00466j will remain unchanged. All the shipping documents will be prepared according to the afore-said total amount and quantity.
Thank you for your attention.

We are sorry for any inconvenience so caused to you.

With best regards,


2011-07-01 12:49:55 補充:
註釋: 商業書信宜用simple English.

2011-07-01 17:02:59 補充:
Nerfed Penguin: 現時,有些公函不用Yours sincerely/Yours faithfully結尾, 而 改為(With) Best/Kind/Kindest regards ("謹此致謝"的意思, 沒有尊卑之分). 這是新式套語, 豈可視為"不禮貌" !

2011-07-01 17:09:46 補充:
Nerfed nguin: 我的信函譯本, 那句有"不禮貌"之處, 還望指出. 謝謝!
2011-07-01 7:05 pm
To Cavalier,

Best Regards 是用於朋友之間

用 Yours Faithfully or Yours Sincerely is more polite.


2011-07-01 11:06:25 補充:
this is 專業信函

2011-07-01 13:00:28 補充:
To WuDaiwei ,

Letter can be in simple English, but must use polite, my friend!


2011-07-01 22:50:37 補充:
Dear All,

I really enjoy reading all of your answers. For what i have said is simply from my personally experiences. Well, I guessed I will take your explanation as a guide in the future. Anyway, good job!

Best Regards
2011-07-01 5:49 pm
I finished and adjusted according to your instructions to the amount in the commerical invoice.
But I only mailed out 4,870 pieces for item 299-00466j, so I kept the actual amount. I apologize if there are any inconvience caused.
Shipping document will be according to the amount and number.
Thank you very much.
Sincerely yours,
參考: ~self~
2011-07-01 5:32 pm
I have already completed and according to the adjustment that the total amount of money that you specify makes invoice unit price

But the amount of the shipment of the article 299-00466 j is a 4870 pcses, so my maintenance actual of amount

If there is inconvenient place, please forgive

The document will also take delivery of goods a document according to total amount like this and number and thank.

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