
2010-09-12 6:24 am

「 這次展覽是以一個正面和輕鬆的態度來宣傳戒煙訊息。憧憬是指展望未來的意思,希望終有一天香港會成為一個真正無煙城市。」

「 香煙從生活中消失,改變所有有關吸煙的附屬品的用途。」

回答 (6)

2010-09-12 12:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案

"The exhibition publicizes the message of smoking cessation with a positive and relaxing attitude. Prospect to the future is the meaning of hope, Hong Kong is hoped that someday will be a truly smoke-free city.

"Cigarettes vanish from life, that changes uses of all the accessories about smoking."




2010-09-12 04:18:51 補充:
題主,好認同你嗰句 "我覺得google譯得怪怪地,文法有錯。"
參考: 喵肯兄
2010-09-12 9:41 pm
“this display is propagandizes the no-smoking news by a frontage and the relaxed manner. The expectation refers to look forward to the future meaning, hoped that will happen one day Hong Kong will become a genuine smokeless city.” “the cigarette vanishes from the life, change all related smoking accessories use.”
2010-09-12 8:32 pm
This display is propagandizes the no-smoking news by a frontage and the relaxed manner. The expectation refers to look forward to the future meaning, hoped that will happen one day Hong Kong will become a genuine smokeless city.

The cigarette vanishes from the life, change all related smoking accessories use.
2010-09-12 7:38 pm
"This exhibition focuses on publicizing cessation of cigarette smoking in a positive and relaxing way. The visualization means a hope for the future that one day Hong Kong will be a smoke-free city after all."

"Once cigarettes vanish from life, the application of all the smoking products and accessories will be changed."

2010-09-12 22:34:50 補充:
發問者: Keep on choosing the answer(s) with grammatical mistakes!
2010-09-12 6:55 am
"This exhibition is a positive and relaxed attitude to promote smoking cessation. Looking forward to is the meaning of the future, I hope one day it will be truly smoke-free city."

"Cigarettes away from life, change all uses of smoking accessories."
參考: >_< Me
2010-09-12 6:52 am
"This exhibition is a positive and relaxed attitude to promote smoking cessation. Looking forward to is the meaning of the future, I hope one day it will be truly smoke-free city."

"Cigarettes away from life, change all uses of smoking accessories."
參考: Google

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