
2010-08-19 4:45 am

回答 (4)

2010-08-19 9:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Either " pre-birth education" or " fetal education" is correct.

But, the former one is more common.
2010-08-19 9:23 am
Yes, garlic2010, you said the truth. To wai chung, I am sorry for provided the wrong answer, since Taegyo is only a Korean transition not suitable for representing the word "胎教".
2010-08-19 8:48 am
Taegyo is a Korean word. I don't think it is the English word for 胎教.
2010-08-19 5:07 am
wai ching:
胎教英文是 pre-birth education
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