
2010-08-14 7:19 am
"我己向客人要求提供有關文件以證明客人的身份是租客 "


回答 (8)

2010-08-17 7:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
On answer 002, being a tenant is a status, not an identity.

2010-08-14 07:17:30 補充:
I have asked the customer to provide relevant documents to prove (that) he is a tenant.

I have asked the customer to provide relevant documents to prove his tenant status.

I have asked the customer to provide proofs of his tenant status.

2010-08-14 07:28:35 補充:
"being a tenant 絕對是一個身份" You can say so in Chinese, but being in a position does not change your identity,nor render you an identity.

2010-08-16 23:51:29 補充:
Please choose from one of the translations below, in the order of my preference.

I have requested the customer to provide proofs of his tenant status.

I have requested the customer to provide relevant documents to prove his tenant status.

I have requested the customer to provide relevant documents to prove (that) he is a tenant.
2010-08-17 7:27 pm
I have provided the related document to the visitor request to prove that visitor's status is a lessee.
參考: me
2010-08-16 2:23 am
"我己向客人要求提供有關文件以證明客人的身份是租客 "

I've requested the client to submit the relevant document to prove that
he/she is the tenant.
參考: Self
2010-08-14 9:06 pm
Thank for your comments, please answer as the best to get the best answer, thank a lot!
2010-08-14 7:22 pm

"我己向客人要求提供有關文件以證明客人的身份是租客 "



I have requested the client to provide documents to prove that he/she is the tenant.
2010-08-14 2:21 pm

1. ........him / his is a tenant - 文法有誤

2. being a tenant 絕對是一個 identity - 身份

3.Use "to prove his / her identity as a tenant" 似乎比較洽當.
2010-08-14 10:20 am

Hope this helps:

I have requested the client to provide proofs of his tenant identity.

注意: proof 已經是"證明文件"的意思.
2010-08-14 7:32 am
i have request guest Provide information to Prove he is Tenant!
參考: 錯勿插

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