
2010-08-14 7:18 am
nobody has solved the mystery


thank you

回答 (4)

2010-08-14 4:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Nobody has solved the mystery.


2010-08-14 7:07 pm
以下愚見如有誤解, 還望諸君指正: (1) no body(noun) 蛻變成 nobody (pronoun). e.g. No dogs allowed.(常見於公園) (2) nobodies (noun) 是網上用語, 網上字典的釋義為persons of no influence or importance.

2010-08-14 11:19:32 補充:
發問者: Nobody(pronoun) has solved the mystery. 此句我會譯成: 沒有人能解開這個奧秘. The nobodies(noun) have solved the mystery(意法正確). 此句意似乎與發問者原句意略有出入.
2010-08-14 3:44 pm
nobodies (plural) is a noun. It cannot be used as a pronoun.

They are nobodies. (persons of no importance or influence)

The nobodies have solved the mystery. = Some people of no importance have solved the mystery. (strange but grammatically correct)

2010-08-15 01:06:23 補充:
I look up the dictionary every time before putting in my answers and comment to make sure I do not give the wrong information. Do you?

If you think I am wrong, give your reasons instead of ... mere shouting.

2010-08-15 06:30:42 補充:
Baggio, I was not arguing with you. You said "nobodies" was plural, which is correct. You just failed to mention it was a noun and not a pronoun. So I gave you the benefit of the doubt on your answer.
2010-08-14 2:44 pm
nobody – pronoun [singular - 第三身單數]

meaning : no person; not anyone; no one:
e.g. Nobody answered, so I hung up.

Source : Dictionary.com

解作 [沒有人] 是對的.

點解用has : 是因為 nobody 為第三身單數, 如是 plural [ 複數 - nobodies], 則要轉用 [have]

2010-08-14 08:34:49 補充:
Look up more dictionaries before you argue!
參考: Myself

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