中文句子翻譯英文 (急)

2010-07-27 11:20 pm
按我們的談話, 我想double confirm今個星期散貨的shipment schedule ( closing (日期&時間), etd, eta), 另外可否令late come, 最遲可令到幾時&幾點?!

回答 (3)

2010-07-28 12:44 am
✔ 最佳答案

按我們的談話, 我想double confirm今個星期散貨的shipment schedule ( closing (日期&時間), etd, eta), 另外可否令late come, 最遲可令到幾時&幾點?!

According to our talk, I would like to confirm once more this week CFS shipment schedule (including closing date & time, ETD & ETA). Moreover, any late come can be given? When is the most latest deadline of the late come can be given?

(注:如果有多過一次嘅談話嘅話,咁譯文裡面個 "talk" 就要改成 "talks",表示多過一次嘅談話。
另外,"CFS" 可以用 "LCL" 嚟代替,雖然佢哋嘅全寫唔同,但係佢哋係可以互換嘅。
("CFS" stand for "Container Freight Station","LCL" stand for "Less Container Load"))



2010-07-28 01:41:00 補充:
更正:上面譯文嘅 "late come" 全部更改為 "late coming delivery",請留意。

2010-07-28 12:29:13 補充:

2010-07-28 13:16:14 補充:
Translation for Logistic particular terms (in Chinese) :

late come = 延遲交貨入倉 (或交貨柜入貨柜碼頭)
closing date / closing time = 截數 (截止交貨入倉 / 截止交柜入碼頭) 日期 / 截數時間

2010-07-30 14:28:08 補充:
ETD stand for Estimated Time of Departure (預計離港時間)
ETA stand for Estimated Time of Arrival (預計到達時間)
參考: 喵肯兄
2010-07-28 7:17 pm
您所說的late come , closing date, closing time 是否分別指late shipment , date of late shipment and time of late shipment ?

2010-07-28 7:51 am
With reference to our talk, I would like to re-confirm this week's shipment schedule of LCL(including date of late delivery/shipment, time of late delivery/shipment, ETA and ETD). Please inform us of the deadline of shipment which may be acceptable to you.

I am looking forward to receiving your reply.

2010-07-28 00:05:54 補充:
發問者: 您所說的late come , closing date, closing time 是否分別指late shipment , date of late shipment and time of late shipment ? 煩請予以確認.

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