Only and Casual

2010-07-01 9:14 am
I answered a question a year ago and received comment on my answer. After more than a year, I am still puzzled by the comment.

The question was asking for English translation of the Chinese expressions and below was my answer.

Why do you boys have only sex in mind when dating with girls?

I am not as casual about sex as you think.

And the comment was
baggio4182007 ( 知識長 ) 2009-05-11 15:08:01 負面 Mistakes: 1. Why do you boys only have sex..... - not have only 2. when dating girl - not when dating WITH girls 3. as CASUAL - too clumsy and unntuaral, should be : as EASY

Mistake #2 is valid. It should be "dating girls" and not "dating with girls". I owed Baggio a thank you for pointing that out.

I am not sure about mistakes #1 and #3. Any comment is welcomed.

回答 (3)

2010-07-01 10:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My comment is that :

1. "not have only" in Cantonese means that "都係有",so baggio4182007 (知識長) said the phrase to catch the words "都係" meaning in the first Cantonese sentense. (Just my guess only)

3. "easy" means "willing to have sex with many different people" in the second English sentence, but "casual" means "no formal" only, that may not be a suitable words for describing "sex". (Meanings of the words are got from "Google 字典")

His comments were correct or no? I think it may be your own decision.

My comment may not be totally correct, please note and forgive.
參考: 喵肯兄
2010-07-02 8:11 am

2010-07-01 4:50 pm
To me, your answers, #1 and #3 are correct!
have only... in mind is correct.
casual is much better than easy as "to have casual sex" is an idiomatic use/expression.

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