
2010-05-16 5:33 am



回答 (7)

2010-05-17 8:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你看到的兩句中文口都有雙關語, 不能只靠翻譯面意義, 應該是想想在同一情況下, 應該用怎樣的英文口號來呼吁別人做同一件事, 另希望譯文可帶出原文的幽默感

英語國家重視自律, 提醒人沖廁和靠近小便器排尿這等小事的張貼句語不如香港普遍, 更不消說發展出創新的語句來提醒人, 所以大概只能靠自己創作

例一: 只帶出呼吁的事情
Please remember to flush the toilet before you go.
Be considerate to the next user. Remember to flush before you leave.

Please stand close to the urinal when using to keep floor clean and dry.

例二: 想帶出呼吁的事情, 又想用創新句語和兼顧中文原文
Flush before you go in a rush.

A small step closer to the urinal, a giant help for the kind man who cleans after you.

("一小步"靈感來源的原文--That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind)

在原文中, "靠近尿器"這件小事和"文明"此等大事連在一起, 幽默是幽默, 但對於不慣看這類標語的人是不容易理解的, 所我選擇只指出靠近尿器是為了保持清潔, 也有體恤清潔人員的意思.

2010-05-18 12:19:23 補充:
EM......或者可簡化有關清潔員的文字, 但會失去MANKIND 和 KIND MAN 的 WORDPLAY

A small step closer to the urinal, a giant help for the clearning crew.

或者可以省略urinal, 因為標語就貼在尿器上, 大概不會不明白

A small step closer, a giant help for the clearning crew.
2010-05-19 1:03 am
"Come in haste, flush before leave."
"One step closer as one great step for civilization."
2010-05-18 10:56 am
A rush for going to the toilet, a flush before leaving.
2010-05-17 2:00 am
"To haste to also rushed dash. 」

"One small step, civilization. 」

參考: me a
2010-05-17 1:09 am
1.''To much haste, and go rushing down."
1."Before a small step, a step of civilization."

2."To haste to also rushed dash. ''
2."One small step, civilization. ''
2010-05-17 12:37 am
To much haste, and go rushing

Before a small step, a step of civilization
2010-05-16 4:05 pm



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