
Lv 7
The Force of music is a pathway to many abilities......some consider to be unnatural. I don't understand why people always ignore the answer in English. I just found out even no matter how detail and precisely the answer is, as long as this is in English, they'll never take a glance. The frustration: People used to ask the song/ artist name, but at the end they would rather give marks to people who offer them mp3 link. Before long I know there's not so many people know the song - Stay Awhile ( a property CM song ), until I know somebody copied my answer with some words changed, I add the info. about who wrote the song - Ken Tobias...then they even copy that! Now everyone who answer the question always with ' Ken ' word! ---but the thing is: this is Ken Tobias, not Ken Toblas!!!
本頁收錄日期: 2021-04-30 14:53:47
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