
Lv 6
I'm a male in case you wondered. My name is Adrian. On a good day I'm sweet, caring, very generous, honest, considerate, loving, affectionate, singing, smiling and self-sacrificing. At times I can be overbearing, too blunt, overly sad, too introverted, selfish, negative and not give a care about much. No I'm not perfect. And generally I'm a mix of both the good and the bad like most people. But I try. : D I'm heavily into astrology and know a bit more than the basics. I also know that reading your horoscopes in the paper should be done for entertainment only, and barely ever rings true. I was a cashier from June 12th, 2011 - March 9th, 2012 at a Dollar General store. Now I'm a dietary aide at a retirement home since December 23rd, 2012. I believe we all have great potential inside of us. To harm or help. It's up to us to not only reach for the latter side of us but to unlock its full potential. Spread the ♥, ✰✰ Starry Skies ✰✰
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