Legend Lady*

Lv 7
I do not like being added as a contact without being asked, so please be courteous & ask before you add me. If you do not allow email or ask first, I will have to block you as a contact or fan & Do not want to have to do that without a just cause. I am here to try & answer things I may know about, or can find the answer for, or I have experienced & learned from .. & share that knowledge with others, when It helps to answer their questions Please use the site right & choose a BA , when you get the answer you wanted & let that person know they helped you. I also hope to make someone smile once in awhile :) & catch a smile or 2 for myself once in awhile I am member of TieBusters a group who uses our daily votes to break old ties on unresolved questions 2 + years old Please join us if you would like to gain points & help the site & forgotten answers in the process http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/Yah00AnswersTieBusters/ Legend Lady
本頁收錄日期: 2021-04-12 18:00:33
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