
Lv 7
I, being few of high-edcated native Taiwanses aged 86, hardly intend to paticipate in knowledge+ is due to the fact that we can share it each others. As to why I use English instead of Chinses is due to the fact that I didn't study how to typewriting Chinses character in computer forced it be with more than regret. What I skill in are political and economical aspects. As to why no one intends to make article is due to the fact it can obtain 3 points only. As compare with best answer, it can obtain 20 even 40 points letting it be. That is why I still ranked at trainee class 5 up to now with more than sad. I do sincerely request the relative athority can be able to provide more points for its writer so as to encourage its paticipaters to provide their worthyful comments and articles as well. Anyhow, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my sincere thanks to all of its paticipaters those who don'y worry to look around my articles.
本頁收錄日期: 2021-04-12 18:29:08
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