
Lv 5
[27-8-2006] I could find some fake multiple accounts keep disturbing the normal operations of Yahoo!知識+. They appeared as about 5 to 6 fake accounts. They makes only hostile actions uniquely through irrational voting before the best answer comes out and giving hostile negative marks of all the past best answers of a writer if he/she is their "target". These are being done through browsing the unprotected datafile of the writer including "發問中" to trace, "投票中" to un-vote, "最佳解答" to negate. You can observe this fact through browsing my datafile and figure out that these hostile actions were done by the same group of usernames and after a specific date. My case has been reported to the administrator and I have to stop raising or answering questions in order to investigate. If you have any question, write me email.
本頁收錄日期: 2021-05-03 12:31:50
總收錄問題: 0 / 0 (收錄率: 100.00%)
總收錄回答: 67 / 67 (收錄率: 100.00%)