Variable 46

Lv 7
I was born on a Sunday and grew up on a farm. I once had a company called Nebulous Productions & Vague Enterprises, and we made a movie. The best and the worst year of my life were the same year. I have a synthetic body part. I've worn glasses since the 2nd Grade. I have a house in the woods and a tree house in the trees, but I can't see any other houses from where I live. I have a weakness for puppies and kittens. I enjoy being straight but don't care if you're gay. I've never been in a serious car accident, won a lottery or been stabbed with an arrow. I don't like to do laundry, but do it anyway. I read mostly history. I work out, but don't shave every day. I've never seen a $10,000 bill, but someday I will....
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