
Lv 7
Just a cradle Catholic, & "Christian", learning, that's all "still learning"! Have a tight schedule, but enjoy trying to be helpful. People seem to be so alienated from their families, and it is so sad, but all should work at being more peaceful. It causes lots of pain for youngsters and early teens, from there they pick up all their buddies habits not always good too! As adults we should all care, keep the sex junk out of it when WE approach, many many have sexual questions, but mature adults don't' go there on answers unless questions are really a problem, *(then tread lightly,) as younger people may just get our habits, *(why I believe keeping it clean is vital for them!) What we should be doing here,as well as in our own lives; is: promoting proper thinking, actions and a way out of problems so they the questioners will find happiness with less grief, (I hope!) That's basically what I hope for. Criticisms welcomed, of course.....
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