Chrome Toaster

Lv 3
..a slightly altered reflection of reality.. I am an ageless, Timeless Classic. I am also the ORIGINAL. Do not be fooled by clever imitations. (And rotten nuts to you who stole my name [and all possible variations thereof] on gmail. Not cool.) Most of anything else you might need to know about me can be found on my 360 page, or at I don't go to 360 that much because it never fails to aggravate me in some way, (as you might notice in my blog there.. I'm always pissing and moaning about something.) So meet me at my space or drop me a line from here at Yahoo!Answers. I love the fan mail.. even the creepy shit is entertaining. Burnt scalloped potatoes just may be the worst tasting substance in the known universe. But many many moons ago, burnt scallops led to the immaculate conception and subsequent, much celebrated birth of the original Chrome Toaster. (that would be ME.) So there you go. (a slightly altered perception of reality.)
本頁收錄日期: 2021-04-12 18:07:38
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