Sean M

Lv 3
I currently live in China studying Chinese, Chinese politics, and focusing on Chinese military development. I'm a political science/history buff, who can't wait to get back to DC so I can see the madness that is going to be Obama's inauguration. Politically, I'm somewhere in the middle. I refuse to register with a party as I believe, much like Washington did, that our two party system is a hindrance to the effectiveness of our government. Also, I feel that anyone who votes for someone because of the letter next to their name is foolish. Sorry if I come across as an insufferable know it all at times. I just hate the ignorant questions that are all too common here. There are so many great, intelligent people, but their answers always get hidden behind all the junk answers.
本頁收錄日期: 2021-04-15 17:23:25
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