Angela M

Lv 7
Hullowrerr, I'm a wee Scottish wifie. Living in a time warp, I'm now 46 years old but still dive aboot like a wee lassie. When I wiz a teenager, Punk rock wiz big and that's where ma wee pictograph huz come from.Still kipping at home wi' ma folks. Drive a wee red Skoda, loved ma dug but he's no longer here.Wurk in a local warehoose on alternate shifts(backshift/early),spend most of ma spare time in front of the telly or farting aboot on the "dot net". Pretty new tae computery stuff, so lots tae learn! I huv a sooper best mate whom I've known since I wiz eleven and we spend fun weekends, when I'm not at wurk, tanking intae the "gingers" and gabbing fur hoors. Casualty buff and Bette Midler nut.
本頁收錄日期: 2021-04-12 15:40:40
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