
Lv 7
My name is John and I have worked on Q&A sites for several years. I have also been, and still am a moderator on some. My Questions & Answers are available for anyone to read and have not been labelled as 'Private'. Please feel free to browse the answers I have given to others. My aim is to try to help those who have need of answers to questions and to provide help and advice to those who have personal problems. Although some may not agree with the answers I give I will answer questions truthfully, objectively, diplomatically and I will never intentionally resort to abuse, neither will I use foul language or try to belittle anyone at YA. I will also try to answer questions to the very best of my ability. I am a 62 year old male and have gathered a great deal of education and experience during my life, especially from the 'School of Life'. I am happy to receive personal messages from anyone at YA who need help or advice. John (Poseidon)
本頁收錄日期: 2021-04-12 20:42:38
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