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The Cuban Missile Crisis involved the Soviet Union and the United States regarding the Soviet deployment of nuclear missiles in Cuba. The period of greatest danger started on October 16, 1962, when U.S. reconnaissance was shown to U.S. President John F. Kennedy which revealed evidence for Soviet nuclear missile installations on the island, and lasted for 13 days until October 28, 1962, when Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev announced that the installations would be dismantled. The Cuban Missile Crisis is regarded as the one moment when the Cold War came closest to escalating into a nuclear war. Russians refer to the event as the "Caribbean Crisis," while Cubans refer to it as the "October Crisis." From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. April 1961 The Bay of Pigs Invasion was an unsuccessful attempt by United states to over throw Cuban dictator Fidel Castro from power. The Cuban Missle Crisis followed shorly after.
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