
Lv 3
2007-1-4 I think I will not come to this Yahoo Knowledge network anymore.... I have tried my best to answer the questions, and I expected my answer would be chosen... However, I am disappointed again and again.. Then, what's the point of spending one whole hour to answer just one question?? It just wastes my time... I will not share any of my knowledge here anymore, as people can vote for their own answers as the best one, in which nobody seems to care about it, not even the knowledge management group. I QUIT!!!!!!!!!!!! 2006 Hello!!! Just want to say hi to everyone using this network!!! (^o^) As I do not have a specific field that I specialized in, I will just try to answer people's question using my experience and knowledge! I will also try to improve my written english at the same time through this. So.. please tell me if I have make any grammatic error anywhere in my answers! Thank you! :)
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