improbable fiction

Lv 2
I came here to share my knowledge, experience, and ideas for solutions to questions or problems. To expand my ability to help others, and think outside the box for answers and solutions especially in the realms of politics, philosophy, and general life. However, I find it extremely irritating to find that Yahoo! Answers is being misused as a venue for soapboxing, quixotic behavior, jokes/sarcasm, intolerance, perpetuating ignorance, and in short to search for like-mindedness, but not open-mindedness. Please, if you don't want to take the variable, most likely contrasting, possibly unique, and sometimes intelligent ideas or sharing of knowledge into sincere consideration, don't waste our time. Your rant-like, buddy-shopping questions/answers would be better put to use on the forums and mailing lists where they belong. Thank you. And for those who have sincere questions, I'm happy to do whatever I can to answer thoroughly, tolerantly, and intelligently. I hope you will as well.
本頁收錄日期: 2021-04-13 00:57:54
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總收錄回答: 1 / 50 (收錄率: 2.00%)