
Lv 2
I've had cats my whole life. My family bred Siamese cats when I was a kid. In the last few years, my mother has fostered strays and I've recently taken in my first personal foster! I've owned fat tail geckos for 10yrs and dabbled in breeding. I've also own a rescued painted turtle for 8 years. I used to have partial responsibility for a thoroughbred gelding who changed my life before passing on, at 28 yrs old, last August. I'm currently a B.T. in Animal Science student with an A.A.S. in Equine Studies. I've taken courses on everything from small animals to livestock. I've been a camp counselor for seven years and have been babysitting for as long as I can remember. I love kids... older kids, hahaha! I'm hoping to end up teaching agriculture in a high school or college someday. I've been horseback riding as much as financially possible for 3yrs now, logging 50-100hrs in the saddle/yr. I'm currently dabbling in dairy goats and hoping to own my first dog soon!
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