Lv 2
Hi~ My name is FF and i`m HK ppl. I dun really know what to say about me lol.The only thing attached to me and my life is Internet and Network Games.. I`ve been playing Computer for like 10 years and i like designing website and network games the most. I love Network Games, I love Hong Kong, i love Aztec(CLOSED), I love 8/F(CLOSED), I love chill out with fds, play 1520 together, listen loud music at night (i hope i dont break the windows and dont disturb my neighbours lol), etc.. HOpe one day I can be a BOD in some Internet or Multimedia Company... Apart from that, im currently working in a bank as Analyst, if u want to know more about me, please dont hesitate to ask, Cheers~~
本頁收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:07:35
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