Forrest Toney

Lv 7
I hope to cause man to think about their eternity . Don't you think the English language is rediculously hard ? Lets better it by making 22 consenants and 10 vowels . which are BDFG(get)HJKLMNPRSTVW Y(yep)Z, and make C ch , X th , Q wh , and $ sh ; and then let the regular vowels AEIOU have a long sound with a line on top of them , and then let the short sounding vowels AEIOU be just what they are ? And why doesn't the US conform to the metric system , but for simplicity's sake call meters Long Yards , liters Small Quarts , and kilograms DOP for double pounds ? And why don't we use military time , but change minuets to hundreths , and seconds to thousanths ? And just use celsius for temperature measurements ? But keep the same time zones , longitudes and lattitudes , but change minuets to hundreths and seconds to thousanths ? And how about making each month begin on the 22 and end on the 21 so it will fit the solistices and astrology ; and give Feb. 2 or 3 more days ?
本頁收錄日期: 2021-04-12 20:37:49
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