
Lv 7
Hello everyone..i am Urvashi.a very simple,kind hearted girl and very much down to earth also.i never follow some one,i like to be like myself only and i love myself. Actually this LOVE word has a biggg meaning to me,you can say as i live only for it..i also love those who loves me(friendly love.not many boy friends.lolz). i am very much passionate about my life about my works too...don`t like to study at all :) love to draw cartoon characters,and like to do fashion designing,you can take it as my hobby also but one more thing is there too and that is my passion for photography,whenever i get time i go outside with my camera and clicks pictures. I am very much moody type and emotional too and sorry to say but people take advantage of it :( i don`t like such people those who are very much egoistic and think very high about themselves. anyways wanna be my friend????please be my fan first :)
本頁收錄日期: 2021-04-12 19:28:03
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