Pilot ~ canine son!

Lv 6
~What frustrates me much are dogs left outside 24/7 or for very long periods of time, dogs being tied to a chain & left alone, & even more ~ humans abusing dogs in ANY way! I prefer to have dog sitters that get down on the floor to greet my dog. This is how I know they are dog lovers & my Pilot will be okay! ~Mommy to my loving and devoted golden retriever! ~ASPCA member, monthly donations to stop abuse to animals. ~Helped to pass Prop2, to stop abuse to farm animals. ~My Most RECENT: WSPA member as of 6/4/09, (World Society of the Protection of Animals), monthly donation to stop abuse to animals in other/foreign countries. http://www.aspca.org/ http://www.wspa-usa.org/
本頁收錄日期: 2021-04-15 17:51:50
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