
Lv 7
I have been a professional astrologer, practicing part-time, since the mid-1980s. Lately I have expanded into teaching basic astrology. I have started a blog loosely discussing astrology at If you are going to be in New York City and want a reading, contact me. I record all readings I give, so you can have it to listen to again & again. I can do readings for people who can't travel to NYC via Skype. And please don't ask for a complete free reading. Many people don't realize, it is a lot of work to do one. But if you have one or two specific simple questions, I will try to answer them. (...but I will not answer synastry or composite chart questions.) For the record, I have a Capricorn Sun, Merc & Venus with a Taurus Moon & Taurus Rising. Mars & Saturn in Scorpio. Jupiter in Gemini. Uranus in Cancer, Neptune in Libra, Cancerian Pluto...
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