If you are white how many times have you been asked to exit your vehicle for a traffic stop?

2021-04-17 7:04 am
It has happened only once to me.  3 of us in the vehicle, one was black.  I and the other white guy had our hands on the trunk. They had the black guy on the ground.

It does depend a lot on the officer.  Back in HS a friend and I were hitchhiking from NJ to DC and back.  We were checking out colleges there. (this was almost exactly  49 years ago) On the way back two NJ troopers stopped us.  One talked to me was respectful and curious about the purpose of our travel (but still told me to get off the highway).  The other one had my friend emptying his pack.  The one talking to me looked over and just shook his head at his partners behavior.


Mismatched Tube Socks - which Tribal Police?  I lived in NM and AZ for quite a while and found the Navajo ones to be real aholes.  Not so much with the others.

回答 (36)

2021-04-17 5:04 pm
AS a Caucasian, in 50+ years of driving I've been stopped approximately 30 to 40 times

And out of that many stops, I was ordered to exit my vehicle no less than approximately 5 to 7 times,,, Twice at gunpoint. 

And, I don'[t have any illusions about any of it. 
Odds are, the reason I'm alive to answer this question is because I simply complied & didn't give the cops any crap about it.
2021-04-17 7:06 am
Whites get brutalized, too, just way less.
Defund the cops, and disarm.
A Karen sent a heavily armed unit at my all adult white family once. They came prepared to remove a child.  Only one of us was on the small side.
2021-04-17 7:11 am
Once; and when I did the Officer reached for his firearm and screamed like a little girl.

I stepped out of the car with a cane and "NANCY" freaked the fvck out thinking it was a rifle.

Probably would have opened fire too if his partner hadn't been there and knew who I was. "NANCY" tried to laugh it off. I was not amused.
2021-04-17 7:10 am
A few times. I have also been detained and arrested by the police.
In my late teens and early twenties I was quite the miscreant, and have several run-ins with Johnny Law under my belt.
The only time I ever felt uneasy with the police was when pulled over in Shreveport, La. back in 1996. Those officers were not like any other I ever encountered, and not even Tribal Police have been at that level in my experience.
2021-04-17 9:54 pm
When a black police officer tells the black driver to exit the car and lay on the ground, is the officer still racist?
2021-04-17 5:55 pm
At least a 8-9 times when I was in my teens and twenties.  But, the difference was not the color of my skin.  Many years ago we were all taught simply to do what the cop said; be respectful, keep your MOUTH shut, and you were out of there.  Today on the cameras most of the time the guy is mouthing off, kicking and screaming, or trying to run away. It's ASKING for...BEGGING for, trouble, particularly in this day in age when the times have become much more violent.
2021-04-18 9:14 am
I’ve been asked to exit the vehicle on a number of occasions for no good reason here in the Nazi police state known as Connecticut. Like one time when I was sitting in a rental car with out of state plates in a supermarket parking lot looking at my phone and some stupid nosy, busybody cvnt thought I was having a ‘medical emergency’ just because I was bent over looking at my phone. So she called the cops and they came and started harassing me Because I refused to give them identification and felt they had no right to be questioning me when they realized that there was nothing wrong with me. But I know they were on a fishing expedition particularly because I had out-of-state plates on the rental car and they wanted to try to get something on me. They detained me and wouldn’t let me leave and I asked to speak to a supervisor and he came and he basically just started harassing me along with them.Then they called an ambulance and were going to force me to go in the ambulance unless I agreed to answer some stupid questions by the ambulance driver to prove that I was mentally coherent. The whole thing was incredible. I should have sued the f*ck out of them. The lawyers here won’t take any kind of case unless you actually died from the abuse, and I’ve had so many bad experiences with cops over the years and lawyers who won’t represent you for anything unless they can make $1 million that I don’t even bother anymore. And the judges in the court system here are just as bad as the cops anyway. So I just expect them to abuse me whenever  I get pulled over. And yes, I’m very WHITE and most of my problems with redneck CT cops and state troopers happened when I was in my 50s and 60s. A few of them during the almost two-year period I was homeless after my divorce and living in my car. As if I didn’t have enough problems. But they wouldn’t leave me alone even then. I’ve met a few decent cops in my life but most of them, definitely here in Connecticut, are psychopaths and scumbags. And that’s the bottom line.
2021-04-19 4:05 pm
Never in Australia we have direct laws speed is checked By Radar so when Booked you get a Printout from the Radar and the Ticket 

If You are stopped For DUI they have a Blow in the Bag no silly dog tricks like Touching your Nose if the Blow in the bag is negative you are sent on your way

we also have a Drug test if Negative sent on your way there is No ambiguity the Police have No Choice

If any Test comes up Positive you are Arrest for Breaking a defined law

Jaywalking you Must be in a Position where Traffic is stopping because you are walking in the Traffic if you just walk across the Road and No Trafic Not Jaywalking You are Not Forced to cross at any Crossing

we have Mobile Phone laws simply do not use a Mobile phone whilst Driving Period No excuses. I have never owned a Mobile Phone

I have Not been Fined for any Motoring Incident since 1993 Why because the Laws are Simple and the Police know the Law 

A Light out ios not a crime Bulbs blow all the time a Lost Number Plate is Not  a Crime

and when we register a Vehicle it is on the Police Computer they Run the Plate and the Computer says Licenced Insured and Legally registered

and no need to pull the Driver over Look at all the Money saved Because there is No Interaction with Police

Note I am Over 80 last accident my Fault was in 1962 and i have never had a driving test

I was taught to drive every vehicle in the RAF Motor Pool and On completion was Given a Licence i asked about a Motorcycle Licence and told to go and Ride the RAF dispatch Motorcycle around the Yard i did for 5 Minutes and i got a licence that Looked like an A to Z ann don by an RAF Sgt Motor mechanic

My Ex Father inlaw came back from North Africa 1945 went to the Post Office for a Licence Filled out the Form and was Given a free Licence Not Tested by anyone and when he Passed at 96 he had never received a Ticket
2021-04-17 7:16 am
I've was asked once, because I forgot to get my registration paperwork in order before driving a newly acquired used vehicle.

They were trying to figure out if the vehicle was stolen, even though they just saw me get off work.  (exiting the factory parking lot at 11 pm)

I've sometimes been treated condescendingly during traffic stops, but never put on the ground or anything.

Conversely, I've also been treated well..it all depends on the cop and the luck of the draw.

I try not to give them attitude about anything, and announce all my movements (getting my wallet, etc) before I make them.

Unarmed white people are also killed out of hand by law enforcement.

I was also waved through a license check once..the reason being that I wasn't Mexican.  (the cop told me not to bother with license and registration, they were looking for Mexicans with no license/insurance.  I kept my trap closed, but that made me feel icky.)
2021-04-17 7:09 am
I'm white. I've been pulled over by cops 4 times in my life that I can remember. 

One of those I was asked to get out of the car and answer questions while the cop shined his flashlight at me.  Where was I going so late at night?  Why was I speeding? What was under my front seat? Etc. It happened to be a piece of electronics in a case.

Another time I was pulled over for going 40 in a school zone.  I looked at the clock and said, "Officer, it's 4:30 in the afternoon.  Do you see any kids around?"  That was pretty much the end of that encounter. 
2021-04-17 7:08 am
None and have never been stopped by police.
2021-04-18 6:09 am
Never but in 47 years of driving, I’ve been pulled over exactly 10 times in the U.S. Two of them were for taillights, the other eight were for too fast.  I was ticketed four times and given a friendly warning (and it was conveyed in a friendly manner) six times.

On every occasion I simply sat still with my hands on the wheel and didn’t do anything until I was asked to do so.  No fuss, no muss and I was on my way quickly.  might add I also didn’t have any outstanding warrants and as a responsible driver, all my paperwork was in order.

BUT outside the U.S...unless you’ve had a lot of experience driving in the 3rd World, then you have NO idea how corrupt the cops, the lawyers and the judges can be.

Also...I HAVE been harassed by the police in many situations that did not involve driving.  You didn’t have to be black for that to happen.  In my case all you had to be was young, male and have long hair.
2021-04-18 5:21 am
I haven't. But my son has been a few times. But he has long hair and a beard. It's still profiling.
2021-04-18 3:53 am
I had FACTORY half-silvered license-plate lights on my Nissan 200 SX. I was stopped numerous times (at least 3) for "dim license plate lights". Last time I WAS asked to step out... I never counted as I am quite law-abiding. The trooper said they were dim, I stepped toward the car to look closer to see if they were dirty, "STEPP BACK FROM THE VEHICLE", came the stern voice. I SAID I just wanted to see if they were dirty. After another warning, I took out the bulbs and saw that they were reflective silvered! I bought clear bulbs and never got stopped anymore for dim lites. It made a BIG difference on the plate.
2021-04-19 12:30 pm
Not here to answer the question.  Just to ask one.  To the white guy who said he has driven over 50 years, I've driven for 33 years.  I've been pulled over I think 6 or 7 times.  What the heck have you been pulled over 30-40 times for?  
2021-04-17 7:27 am
2021-04-17 7:08 am
Once during a bullshit traffic stop, gave me sobriety tests (never had a drop that night) they finally gave up on that so they wrote me a bullshit ticket 
2021-04-17 7:07 am
Yeah sure. In reality, no black person would spend 10 minutes with you. You're a socially awkward weirdo with no friends.
2021-04-20 9:25 am
Never, I Won't, anyway. I Lock Doors. Cops do NOT have a right to search a vehicle simply on traffic stop. Say: "NO"., They can get a dog ,but if he has no hits, Must let you go. Every citizen has right to file complaint against any public official, google  Citizens' Advisory committee.
   I also carry a card with my rights on it; most important on my motorcycle as profiling still happens.
2021-04-18 8:13 am
Approximately zero. I did run from the police once (on foot) when I was a teenager, and was not shot.
2021-04-18 3:27 am
Only once and that was because the cops were looking for a friend of the person I had riding with me in the car. Every other time, I have been allowed to remain in the car.
2021-04-17 7:58 am
All 5 times I've been stopped in 55 years of driving
2021-04-17 7:08 am
Well at best you are honest about it.
2021-04-18 8:19 am
A few dozen times when I was younger. It really depends on where you live as to whether or not the police are more likely to stop you or not. Being a woman you're far less likely to be harassed by police, far less likely to be found guilty of a crime, and far more likely to receive a less severe sentencing when convicted for the exact same crime.

It must be nice being born a middle-class White woman. Maybe you should protest about that, ya dumb ****.
2021-04-17 7:06 am
F them racist c0cksuckers. 
2021-04-19 5:27 pm
I have been stopped and ordered out of my car by police three times here in the UK.  Once, late at night in Hammersmith in London,  I was following a minibus full of senior officers in dress uniform who seemed to be returning from a function and the most senior officer was showing off to the others in the way he treated me. I had done nothing wrong and they only stopped me for entertainment purposes. They behaved like complete @rseholes but seemed to find it amusing. As a law abiding citizen, I did not rise to their attempts at provocation and, eventually, they got bored and left me alone. It did nothing for my opinion of the police, most of whom I think are trying to do a thankless job.
2021-04-18 4:36 am
Every time I left the State when I was under 40 years of age and my vehicle was searched every single time.
After each search, I was told that if I didn't have a NRA decal on my rear window, my vehicle would not have been searched.
2021-04-20 4:50 am
6. 1 time even arrested for being out to late at age 16. You are a stupid idiot FREE DEREK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like boys and girls.They're cool LIKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
2021-04-19 11:21 pm
In the 80s I was regularly stopped at police roadblocks in Italy and ordered out at gunpoint.  They were upset that a bank robber had murdered four of their members while fleeing in a school bus.  My job required me to drive interurban highways at night, and they felt that was "suspicious" and needed to search the trunk EVERY TIME, in case I were transporting goods without the required license, or anything else illegal.

I have never  been asked to exit my vehicle for any reason in the USA, during the few traffic stops in which I have been involved during 50 years of driving. In fact, in one case, I was ordered to get BACK into the vehicle when a cop pulled into a retail parking lot behind me to question me about someone else and I was about to head into the shop.
2021-04-19 8:37 pm
3 times, it all seemed legit to me. 
2021-04-18 6:31 pm
Once.   I simply complied with all demands, and answered all questions.   

2021-04-18 5:31 am
Exit my vehcile? Once. I had gone out after midnight to pick up some friends who needed a ride home from a bar in my hoopty. There were 4 of us all together and less than a mile after picking them up i am pulled over. Officer can smell the alchohol from my friends ans he tells me my license are not illuminated. Then says im going to have to give you a breathalyzer! I was like ok, so i step out as asked and he gives me the test, I pass. Lets me go with a warning to fix my plates. Never once questions my passengers. I believe police discriminate an old car because i was pulled over several more times for petty reaaons. My hoopty was old but legal (as in insured),so was i. There was a second time a buddy had left an unopened budlight bottle in the backseat that i was unaware of, so one incident while alone i was pulled over and the officer sees it. Says sir going to have to give you a breathalyzer because i see there is a beer bottle in the back! This time i am most not asked to get out. I know longer have the hoopty which was a cop magnet as i had never gotten pulled over so much in any other vehicle
2021-04-18 5:11 am
Only once. The officer noticed a detail which seemed suspicious to him. He asked me to sit in his vehicle while he ran my car licence plates. I did what he said without freaking out or resisting, and it all came to nothing. 

Any other times I was stopped, the officer actually wanted me to stay inside my car. Even when my drivers licence was in my purse in the trunk, the officer said don't get out. He wanted to go get it himself from the trunk. 
2021-04-17 7:16 am
but ive only been pulled over once, and ive never driven far enough to warrant going through a traffic stop 
i go the speed limit  
2021-04-17 7:12 am
2021-04-18 7:10 pm
I am not white.I have not been asked to exit vehicle for a traffic stop.

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