If it is biological not possible to be raised by a wolf who raised Romulus and Remus? ?

2021-04-13 1:53 am
Any other versions around how Rome was built?

回答 (5)

2021-04-13 7:23 am
Another account, set earlier in time, claims that the Roman people are descended from Trojan War hero Aeneas, who escaped to Italy after the war, and whose son, Iulus, was the ancestor of the family of Julius Caesar.
2021-04-15 4:36 am
they do not make for good story-telling. This is more of a story than real fact as it happened in the beginning.
2021-04-14 9:10 am
Popeye found Uncle Remus under a cabbage leaf and they roamulus around till they found Romulus.
2021-04-14 4:12 am
According to "The Aeneid" the Trojan hero Aeneas, who was the son of Anchises and Aphrodite, and his son Ascanius (Iulus) escaped from Troy and sailed to Italy.  Two of Ascanius's descendants were Romulus and Remus, the twin sons of Mars and Rhea Silvia..  The twins were abandoned at birth and left to die.  Perhaps the wolf is the totem of a tribe who rescued Romulus and Remus. Perhaps the story is a myth told to add prestige in order to  show that the Romans are descended from two gods: Aphrodite (Venus) and Mars. 
2021-04-13 2:30 am
Romulus and Remus were not raised by wolves.

These two did not exist, they are simply characters from Roman mythology

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