Aren’t you sick and tired of living in a pandemic?

2021-04-13 1:52 am
Some things about the COVID-19 pandemic impeded some things that were supposed to happen in the year 2020.
It was so hard not getting to do enough social things in person for a while.
I’m even sick and tired of hearing about politics.
I look forward to when things are normal again.

I’m not listening to people to think corona virus is hoax. I know that the spread of corona virus was a big problem in the past year.


回答 (4)

2021-04-13 2:00 am
Yes, but with modern medicine and technology, there is definitely hope for a better future.  
2021-04-13 2:06 am
Yes, I am sick of living in a pandemic. I miss going to the movies, shopping, going to plays, eating in restaurants. I am not doing any of these things still. I don't believe COVID is a hoax but I do believe it could have been intentionally planned, so no vaccine for me. Just going to continue to social distance. 
2021-04-13 2:32 am
Anyone with any intelligence would be sick of it but it is here so we have no option but to learn to live with it and grin and bear until hopefully a breakthrough is made in order to completely destroy the horrible virus. 
2021-04-13 1:53 am
You snowflakes would really be doomed in a plague 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:41:33
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