1. Mr. Pence supports the Trump administration in its defense of American companies who have been (subject/subjected) to decades of illicit trade practices and unfair polocies.
2. Senior and disabled households who begin reciving housing subsidies after the proposal goes into effect will be immediately (subject/subjected) to the higher rents.
Jenkin: 謝謝您的回答。 但我的疑問是:subject有時也可以當形容詞來用,例如: 3. If the plants are growing well, they'll be less subject to pests. 4. The agreement is still subject to approval by the Leage's 30 teams and the players. 以上資料來源: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/zht/%E8%A9%9E%E5%85%B8/%E8%8B%B1%E8%AA%9E/subject-to-something