請問self-owned content是什意思?

2021-04-08 10:56 pm
請問在下文中,self-owned content是什麼意思?

3.Do not submit self-owned content too frequently

Users may only post self-owned content if it is good quality and posting is infrequent (less than once a month). Please report only if they are violating this. 



回答 (4)

2021-04-09 7:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Self-owned 應該是從self-ownership延伸出來的.Self-ownership是自由主義的基礎,應該不是陌生的觀念吧!


香港貓 大概再過不久 就要被變成中國貓了.醬子就要趕快先多練習抓耗子了.
2021-04-09 11:09 am
2021-04-09 1:10 am
橘子, 很多年沒見了, 見到 知識家 快將結束, 跟你們和 π-公主, 大西瓜, 獅王, 蘿莉長, 理查Beth和各位聚聚舊。
│ .✪‿✪. │
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Self-owned content那裏的確怪怪的。
我看過是 Reddit 的語言學習版塊的版規。
似乎版主希望各位會員用常用的例句去交流,而不要用自己有擁有 (self-owned) 權、版權 (copyrighted) 的作品或句子吧?
2021-04-09 1:26 pm
-----------Self-owned content is really weird(=strange,unnatural, unusual)
on HKCat=Reddit's=Rabbit rules and R language learning section----------------
(1)It seems Supervisor wants members to communicate with commonly used eg rather than (self-owned ownership copyright work) to avoid legal dispute=No Blame Rule.applied?
(2)Your PO answer=respond everyone feel free to use?
(3)What I copied from you can be used on advert+slogan?
(4)Don't submit self-owned copyright content from Toming88, a no good gesture.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:39:25
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