She and I are on a different tone.是該用are or am.?

2021-03-24 1:06 pm

回答 (6)

2021-03-25 11:45 am
用are, 因為是複數. 這裡形容 She和I. 如果主詞只有I的話, 就改用am. Are是用於You, we 或是they.  
2021-03-24 2:34 pm
@Warning:-"Referring to the book recommended by "kuangkwo";  TW Chen's the heart of grammar which teaches these rules but never gives any marks to anybody ?!If kuangkwo failed to respond to responders,you'll receive their complaints.

The agreement of subject and verb that yet the choice is rarely so simple.
If one subject is used negatiively and the other affirmatively, the verb agrees with the subject used
Right:-She, not me, is on a different tone
=not the same tone
=as all the responders said that "She and I" are
="she is" and "I am"
="we are"
2021-03-24 11:58 pm

1. 主動詞的數量:

2. 主詞補語的數量:
<主補>要用 on a different tone?還是on different tones?

2021-03-24 1:52 pm
🔷 辛苦你了,這樣子學習英文;請問 “She and I am* on a* different tone.” 不符合英文文法,它是某語言拼裝的,不是嗎?
《日英辭典》例1. She and I are good friends. (彼女と仲がいいです。)
例2. She and I are on the same wavelength. (彼女と波長が合います。 )
例3. She and I are one year apart. (彼女と私は一歳違います。)
例4. She and I are twins. (私と彼女は双子である。 )
2021-04-02 12:26 pm
She and I are on a different tone.................................
2021-03-24 1:09 pm
用we are not the same tone

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