中翻英 - 回家的路?

2020-12-29 1:09 am

1. The Road to Home
2. The Road back Home
3. The Road Home
4. 其他


回答 (14)

2020-12-29 4:49 pm
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唉!還說人家是什麽什麽level! "back home"根本就是一個idiom, 解作家鄉(的); 連這也搞錯, 那麽又是什麽level呢?
正確來說, "回家"一詞應含有動詞(return, come, go back, get back ...) ,而作為形容詞去修飾"路"這名詞, 就要用現在分詞, 比用介詞為好; 注意"back"是副詞,不能修飾名詞!!!

回家的 = returning home, coming home, getting back home, ....(指人物)
「回家的路」= the homecoming road

(註: homecoming一般用作名詞, 但也可用作形容詞去修飾"路"這名詞(the road for coming home); 這與swimming pool 一樣道理.)
2020-12-29 6:48 pm
When you see (2) and (3), your intuition refer to "the (that) road at home" rather than "the way home (from another place). So you want to change it to (1). But (1) gives you a feeling that you can't tell what's wrong intuitively adv.. The Way to Home you have mentioned do feel better.
At last it's come home to me how much I owe to my parents and society
=it's come home
=it's the way home
=the way home.
=(4)the way to home.
2020-12-29 6:35 am
My road home (from school) is all uphill.

the road back home是"家鄉的道路"的意思.就如:
the road back home was full of potholes.家鄉的道路有很多破洞.

the way home也可以但是可能是指"回家的路途"而不是單純的"路".
My way home is far and hard. 回程之路及遙遠又艱困.

"the way to home"是絕對錯誤的.
2021-01-12 11:03 am
The right answer is "The way home"
2021-01-09 2:31 pm
參考: 任何一本字典.
2020-12-30 4:57 pm
口語很多是說Way Back Home吧
2020-12-30 12:28 am
「回家的路」 The homeward journey
2020-12-29 2:46 pm
4.Homebound Road.
2021-01-08 6:14 pm
2021-01-04 6:38 pm
rode of home

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