Is draconic astrology more accurate than tropical astrology?

2020-12-21 2:58 am

回答 (4)

2020-12-21 8:39 am
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You can read Chain Lightning for total ignorance or you can try to learn something.  Your choice.  Some practitioners of Draconic astrology claim that it dates back to ancient Babylon, but I doubt it.  It sounds too modern to be that old.  The idea is that we cast a birth chart in the usual way, but we use the north node of the Moon as 0 Aries.  So if the NN is at 17 Gemini, that is counted as 0 Aries and we move in the order of the zodiac changing what the natal chart says to this new method. 
What you get is the same planetary positions but in different signs and the same aspects. 

I've been putzing with astrology for a long time and I only heard of Draconic astrology a couple of years ago. Frankly, I don't see the value at all. 
2020-12-21 8:49 am
Both bs.
2020-12-21 7:53 am
How do you make comparisons between Tooth Fairy sciences when neither can outperform random chance?

Astrologers don’t make accuracy claims, they are boastful about the number of customers. Paying upfront makes few complainers.
2020-12-21 3:22 am
Of course you are entitled to your beliefs and opinions and I respect them but in my opinion anything astrological is total rubbish.

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