Are we living in Orwellian times!?

2020-12-18 11:14 pm

回答 (6)

2020-12-19 12:16 am
Orwell's prophecies in 1984 were not far out because we are now virtually living in those times with Big Brother constantly watching you, with CCTV, every c]time you use a card whether it be a bank card, store card or any other card information is being gathered about you.

The same applies to Internet accounts and every time you access the web. 
2020-12-18 11:40 pm
Yes but we always have 
2020-12-18 11:32 pm
We always are to an extent cause a percentage of the population will be brainwashed or creating the script. More apparent now than ever though.
2020-12-18 11:22 pm
The good news is we're also through with our Orson Wellesian president.
2020-12-18 11:22 pm
We must be. People have been saying it since 1950.
2020-12-18 11:17 pm
I'm afraid so and the sheep are stampeding to get into the slaughterhouse. 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:05:56
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