Is Royal Mail really busy at the moment?

2020-12-10 2:40 am
I ordered something last week and it still hasn't arrived, does anyone know if there is a problem at Royal Mail or are they just really busy?

回答 (7)

2020-12-10 3:35 am
Mega mega busy as it's Christmas and people have been ordering online during lockdown.
2020-12-10 2:47 am
Well, it is the Christmas season. Draw your own conclusion.
2020-12-10 2:45 am
A friend of mine who is a postie has informed me that they are extremely busy. he how has to work weekends when he only worked on a Saturday every other week.

He tells me that he has to do a great deal of overtime to try to stay ahead it.
2020-12-10 12:58 pm
December is busy for the mail every year due to Christmas cards and presents.
2020-12-10 11:50 am
oh yeah I bought from Amazon co uk on November 14th and it hasnt arrived yet until now (December 9th).    But I dont live in UK.    In the past, it arrived in 10 days from the shipping date.      

Probably they are short of employees due to covid19.....
2020-12-10 3:36 am
They are making covid excuses but it is a good idea to use the letter boxes that are for the covid test kits, they can still be used for mail and just the other week I did that and my card was delivered the next day. I don't know how they can say covid is a problem for them, the business I work in is still operating as normal and postmen/women are not likely to catch it while mostly outside pushing letters through holes, or if it's a parcel, they can knock, put it down and then back off two bloody metres away from me before I get the door. They are bad anyway and are just using covid to justify their slacking now.
2020-12-10 2:43 am
I ordered something on 11/29. Was supposed to be here 12/4. Still waiting. Guy sent it, Post office had it and misplaced it apparently. Believe it or not most of us do not us royal mail.

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